After two launch events in Lexington, Ky., Light Up Racing will be hosted by the Ocala Breeders’ Sales Company, Inc. this Sunday night.
The presentation will discuss the importance of proper communication techniques about horse racing including how to respond to difficult questions and transforming negative opinions into positive messaging.
This presentation will be held from 5 -7 p.m. on the second floor of the OcalaBetS facility located on Airport Road next to the main track. Free appetizers and drinks will be provided by OBS.
Light Up Racing’s, Vicky Leonard, owner of the Kick Collective, a Thoroughbred marketing agency in Sydney, Australia, will give the presentation. She is leading the venture modeled on Australia’s successful Kick Up for Racing. The model aims to empower industry members with the knowledge and resources to be educated advocates of the sport.
For more information on how to join them on this mission, please visit lightupracing.com, sign up to become a member, or reach out to hello@lightupracing.com