SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY – “The New York Thoroughbred Breeders, Inc. (NYTB), the official authorized representative of the Thoroughbred breeding industry in New York State, stands in strong support with Florida Thoroughbred breeders, owners, and horsemen in opposition to decoupling live horse racing and gaming in the state of Florida.

“The Thoroughbred breeding and racing is an important economic engine and job creator in countless states throughout the country, and aids in preserving open space, by contributing to agricultural investment.

“Decoupling racing and gaming in Florida will be harmful for horsemen, breeders, and the equine athletes that make our sport so great. Given that this type of policy change could have seismic ramifications for the industry not just in Florida but in all racing jurisdictions, NYTB lends its support to our Florida colleagues.



Najja Thompson,
Executive Director, New York Thoroughbred Breeders, Inc. (NYTB)

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