Dear Florida Breeder,
By now we are all well-informed of Gulfstream Park’s intent to decouple their casino gaming from live racing responsibilities. I have no doubt they are very serious about abandoning live racing while expanding casinos and property development.
This cynical action arrives on the heels of historic stimulus legislation—led by the Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ and Owners’ Association and our strong allies in Tallahassee—that stabilized racing and breeding economics. The only outstanding ingredient for an ascendant industry—racetrack operators committed to the live race.
As you consider the future of the Florida Thoroughbred industry, bear in mind; we do not control the racetrack operators; we do control our Tallahassee battle-plan to beat away their selfish, nefarious intents, as we have so many times before.
FTBOA stands firm. Undaunted. Tireless in combat. We strive to preserve sound industry economics and seek reaffirmed racetrack commitments to the live racing industry which, combined, fuel a strong Florida breeding industry.
George Isaacs
President, FTBOA
Return to the January 27 issue of Wire to Wire